A healthy lifestyle can make you feel better and lower your chance of developing certain diseases, increase your lifespan, protect the environment, and save you money.
What you consider to be a healthy lifestyle is entirely up to you. There is no hard and fast rule as to what needs to be done to stay healthy.
Determine what makes you happy and what feels most comfortable for you. Then, when making modifications, start small.
This way, you are more likely to succeed, and minor victories will snowball into bigger sustainable gains.
You are also more likely to stay inspired to exercise more, eat healthier, consume less caffeine, or make any of the other positive lifestyle changes you’ve been promising yourself.
You’ve tried before but haven’t had much luck. Want to understand why? Look no further, for we’re here to help you decode your lifestyle for healthy living!
Making a lifestyle change can be difficult, especially if you want to change a lot of things at once. Consider it a development rather than just a resolution this time.
Changing one’s lifestyle is a long process that needs patience and support. The challenging part is staying committed and consistent after you’ve decided to make a change.
So do your homework and devise a strategy that will ensure your success. Setting tiny goals and doing things one step at a time is what careful planning entails.
Always remember – Every goal met is an achievement.
Here are a few tips to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle:
- Move More
It’s just as vital to be physically active regularly as it is to exercise regularly. So don’t waste time sitting in your car, on the couch, or at your desk, after your morning workout.
Moving more can help in improving everything from managing stress levels to circulation to your sense of overall well-being.
Break up your sedentary tasks with physical activity (something as simple as walking a few steps every 45 minutes to an hour!)
Here are a few other options to get you started:
- Substitute a power walk for your coffee break.
- 10-minute morning stretches.
- See how many squats you can get in before your coffee is ready.
- Take the stairs.
- Nourish
There is a significant distinction between being well-fed and well-nourished. Your overall health can improve by avoiding processed foods and nourishing yourself with a balanced diet of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, plant-based proteins, and healthy fats.You can begin with:
- Eating seasonally and stocking up on fresh fruits and veggies while their flavors and nutrients are at their optimum.
- Omega-3-rich foods, such as fatty fish like salmon and sardines, ground flax seed, seaweed, and chia seeds, should be included in your diet.
- Picking high-quality, lean proteins:
- Fish
- Beans and lentils
- Soy products
- Quinoa
- Nuts and their butter
- Egg whites
- Nourishing and replenishing intestinal microflora with pre-and probiotic-rich foods. The following are some excellent sources:
- Natural yoghurt
- Kefir
- Cultured/Fermented vegetables.
- Kombucha tea.
- Foods including garlic, onions, artichokes, whole grains, and peas contain prebiotic fiber.
- Manage Stress
Cortisol levels rise in response to stress. When it becomes excessive or continuous, it might be harmful to your health.Everyone experiences stress at some point in their lives, but how you cope with it is what matters.
We’ve listed a few ways that may help you de-stress:
- Getting 7-9 hours of sleep.
- Scheduling “free time” to allow you to truly unwind with fewer responsibilities.
- Disconnecting from electronic devices. Yes, this entails putting your phone, iPad, and laptop away.
- Have a conversation with family and friends about your needs and feelings.
- Reduce Alcohol
Some may say moderate alcohol intake is harmless but several alcohol-related health hazards don’t become obvious until later in life.Reduce your alcohol consumption by:
- Setting a drink limit for yourself.
- Pace yourself (small sips as opposed to gulps).
- Eating before and during alcohol consumption
- Having non-drinking days a few days a week to keep alcohol from becoming a habit.
The mantra to a fitter and healthier YOU is commitment and consistency. It takes time and sustained effort to make the changes you desire, but once you accomplish them, they are sure to stay.
Always keep in mind that no one is flawless. Minor setbacks should be expected and accepted. Commit yourself to getting back every time you fall off the wagon.
You will experience lapses from time to time and that is alright. Be kind to yourself.
Don’t be too hard on yourself for deviating from your diet/ workout routines – a cheat day every once in a while, keeps you motivated to keep goinge